If a company presents a new cabinet system, it usually means a new shape of the front, new colors, new materials or a new opening mechanism: All innovation related to the appearance of the frontal surface.
The lateral view of a cabinet is mostly neglected in terms of innovation: Side-panels are panels on the side and for this is a bit boring they have to be covered by other cabinets or have to be arranged close to the wall.
Unlike this habit, Inmotion is a three dimensional innovation: Esthetically and funtionally it includes the side-panels just as much as the front-panels.
It´s claim is to surprise you - no matter where in the room you are. Is it open or closed? Partly closed or partly open? Wasn´t it different a few seconds ago?
Inmotion is a new typology of cabinets: Neither is it a closed cabinet nor an open shelf, but also it´s not a cabinet with open and closed segments. By turning the treasure chambers you can show your secrets - or hide them : Inmotion is always in motion.
Inmotion is a system of freestanding cabinets, that don´t have to lean on to each other.
It´s like a good marriage: Cor-Relation instead of dependency